Welcome to My Store. Here you will find My Art, My Crafts, and My Photos.
Artist, Model, and Cosplayer
Artist, Model, and Cosplayer
This is my official personal page and store. I am finally a college graduate but now I am pursuing my bachelor's degree in business management. I'm from South Texas and I love my fur babies. Lou is my beagle. I have two geese, Big Bird and Ahh Don't Bite Me! I also have two mallard ducks, Quackie Chan and Duck Norris. I started crafting when I was 12 and started selling my art at different craft shows. I have had some of my items at the Corpus Christi Art Museum gift shop. You can find me at Artwalk and different festivals peddling my arts and crafts. I also make steampunk jewelry and I enjoy making accessories for my cosplay characters. I recently have dedicated myself to the art and design of 3d Prints. You can also catch me on Whatnot having live auctions, selling Pokémon Slabs, and other collectibles.
Almost every item in my store is "hecho a mano".. made by me. There are some of my personal collectibles that I will sell if i'm in need of cash for a new cosplay outfit. I do occasioally do custom orders.
Visit my store and enjoy my creations and artwork. Check out the hottest trends in face masks!
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I love my customers, so feel free to browse my site, check out my store or email me for more information. Visit my photo gallery a calendar of events where you might find me and my products.
Email or Drop me a message. You can also visit me on Facebook. Hit the yellow (f) on the bottom and that will take you straight to my facebook page.